Thursday, July 2, 2009

My first post.....

This is my first official blog post. I am going to start out by saying I am a horrible speller and I am also not so good with grammar. Okay and proof reading my not be my strong suit either. Let me start by saying I think my daughter QUIT her dance class today. CarLee is 3 years old. I am unsure if a normal 3 year old would know how to quit a dance class. Well apparently my kid is not normal.

I will start from the beginning. Last Tuesday was her first official dance class in a class with 3 and 4 year olds. Well she did not follow directions and she basically danced the way she wanted to. I could hear CarLee "Let's be a good listener" and "CarLee let's follow directions". When the class ended the dance instructor suggested I bring her back on Thursday for her to join the 2 year olds.

Notice how all the other children are sitting up and CarLee is lying down. This just one example of how she was dancing to the beat of her own drummer.

Fast forward to Thursday. She did much better in this class. She had a little trouble following directions, but me and the dance instructor thought she did much better.

Then you have today..... She went in all excited.... and after about 10 minutes of her not listening at all or following directions the teacher sent her out of the dance room. She came out and walked up to me and said, "I wanna go home." I took her to the potty and asked if she wanted to go back out and dance. "Nope, I wanna go home." I walked her back to the classroom and asked her again.. and again, "Nope, I wanna go home." So I changed her shoes, (from dance slippers to her crocs) and took her to the car. She then announced, "I wanna go to McDonald's."

So I think she officially in her 3 year old way just quit dance class.No matter what she made a cute dancer.

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