Monday, January 4, 2010

noT ThE WaY I plaNNed tO START 2010

This is CarLee's Room.
It looks like this because she
has been up since 2am.

This is my scrapbook room..
I have gotten nothing done on it.
This is what the day consisted of.. Doctors appointment and Chuck E Cheese
to help her run off some energy. She has been up since 2 am with no nap.
This is not really how I pictured today. I planned to get up at 4:15 am and do a Leslie Sansome walk away the pounds video. 2 miles. yeah that did not happened. So I did try at 8 am to ride the exercise bike the seat was to far back and I could not adjust it. I did however try to sit on the edge (only like 2 inches) so that i could reach the pedals. That was extremely uncomfortable. Then it was off to the Doctors office. There the nice nurse doing check in offered to shred my old insurance cards well i kept handing her cards and handed her my atm card which then got shredded. Nice... That is how my day went. CarLee would not lay down and rest she would not take a nap. So after being inside with her for the last 3 days.. I decided it was time to go to Chuck E Cheese. We were there and hour and a half. Oh and she is still going strong. Let's try this over again tomorrow.
After I wrote the above at about 6:30pm I got a phone call from my dad. He was in the hospital and had actually been in the emergency room since yesterday morning. I went up there and on the way there I could not believe he had not called me sooner. At this point they think its just pneumonia. He had to have 1200 cc of liquid drained off of his lungs. They are keeping him to monitor him. Its 5:21am Tuesday lets see how today turns out.

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