I am very thankful that I have the chance to be a mother to CarLee. I wanted a baby so bad and Lee wanted to wait. This went on for like four years. Then finally everything came together and we got pregnant. I am so thankful for the waiting because I got CarLee. She is the perfect little girl for me and Lee. I look at her sometimes and I am completely taken aback by how much of her daddy she has in her. I am sometime caught of guard by the parts of me she has. Yet I can honestly say CarLee is totally her own person. She is so independent and has such personality. We have friends that have a little boy named Hunter (he is like12 now). When he was little he had so much personality, that when i was pregnant I would rub my belly and say I hope she has personality like Hunter. I so got what I wished for. She has never been a docile child. She is stubborn and hard headed and does things her way in her time frame. Potty training was a complete nightmare.. it took forever. Yet for a child who was addicted to the pacifier (had to suck one and hold one in her hand to sleep) breaking her of that took only two days.I am thankful that God sent me this little angel. That he is letting me be her mother. It is the greatest feeling when she hugs me and says, "Mommy I LOVE you."
I am thankful for everyday that I get to be her mommy.
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