Well my husband's family has a tradition of going to a 4th of July Parade and me and CarLee have made it the last year and this year. CarLee would be arriving with Papa Jay and Granny Cheryl. Here are some pictures of our morning at the parade.
This is CarLee eating her pancakes that Aunt Pam got her from McDonald's before the parade. We had a good time, we always sit at the end of the parade and sometimes the floats run out of candy before they make it to us. Yet my in-laws always make sure to bring bags of candy just for that reason. They are awesome like that. They throw candy to the kids at the end. (make sure that our kids have plenty to go home with too.)

After the parade we were off to Papa Tony's to celebrate his birthday.
It was ice cream cake, the park, merrigoround, and the pool, we made it home this afternoon.
I am tired and the girl kid has had little to no sleep since Thursday, I am waiting for her to crash. I am betting that Papa Tony is already in bed (he stayed up with her last night). I had to fight with her to get her to come home. Yet once we got here she was excited to see her puppies and her Daddy.
Oh, I do have one little complaint... I made this really cute hat (I thought it was cute) and could not get CarLee to wear it. Little Miss Independent.

Oh and my better half was hangin at the race with his buddy Jerry. It was an awesome race, and they stayed right up until the bitter end which I have to say was the FREAKIN best part of the whole race! Gotta Love me some Tony Stewart!
But I am still a little in the dog house the memory card I sent with him only held 20 pictures....So let's hope his buddy Jerry got some pictures at the end.... Or my scrapbook might note be complete and I might have to stay a little longer in the dog house.
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