Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's been a week......
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
This is my great-grandfather's hat, my great grandpa Epstein. My Nanny has kept it in great condition for the last 22 years. It's really hard to believe its been that long. But we have come up with the coolest idea. I am going to dress CarLee up and put this hat on her and my nanny has a child's upright piano and a cool old fashion light and we are gonna take her pictures. It will be a neat tribute to the man and the hat. Oh, and no he could not play the piano.
The Middle of the Week.
We had a good night tonight. I love doing little things like this with CarLee.
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Stool

So we are going to my Nanny's tomorrow, and we never tell CarLee till the day we go. She just gets a little too excited about going. Well, Ms Debbie slipped and told her she was going to see my Nanny (Ms Debbie did this so CarLee would not be sad about missing a b-day party tomorrow). So, when I picked her up all I heard was I wanna go to my Nana's house (and let me just say that up until today CarLee called her Nanny as well). Well I was looking for something to hold my stickles (scrapbooking stuff) and went to AC Moore. While looking for what I wanted CarLee decided that Nana need a stool, then CarLee decided it needed to be purple, and last but not least that it needed sparkles. She picked out 2 shades of purple and then some purple sparkles (I did not help at all). I then got her some foam paint brushes. All the way home she talked about how her and Nana were gonna paint this tomorrow at Nana's house. We were home about hour and she came up to me and said, "I need to paint the stool at my house." So I set everything up and she painted the stool, she did tell me that I had to help. I painted half of the top and filled in her "no" paint areas, but for the most part she did this herself.
See she did a good job.
Dance Class is done.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday Night
Newborn Photos
Mommy's 1st baby doll with her 1st Baby.
To be honest Lisa having this baby was a little hard for me. I know its gonna sound silly and a little weird. This made me feel kinda grown up. My oldest friend having a baby, the girl I went to high school with having a baby. I was like holy crud, we are grown ups. I am slightly off and I know that.
But she is a beautiful friend.
Let Us Play Catch Up
On Saturday CarLee and I met up with Beth and went to a craft fair, that was so bad. Then decided to go get Parker and take the kids to McDonald's to play. These 2 do not spend to much time together but when they do it's Par-ker (CarLee says it like its 2 words) and Car-we (which is how Parker says CarLee, which I find adorable) this. They are so cute together. They played on the play ground while me and Beth watched, then it was inside for the overrated Happy Meal.
Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Another Dance class is Over With

On another note she had 2 potty accidents today this after having NONE yesterday. I guess maybe we are getting a little better. Only 3 weeks left till we start daycare. She better get on the ball.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Baby Claire is Here.. Finally......
My friend Lisa and her husband Daniel had their little girl last night. I am so happy for them. This baby was very much wanted and loved. Lisa is doing great and is a beautiful mother. Daniel well he is looking pretty tired. I hate to tell him living with two ladies that feeling ain't going away anytime soon. Their little family is complete. I love being around these two (well now these three). They love each other and really like each other. They are really sweet and it warms my heart to know that my friend has that. I makes my heart swell to know that she cherishes it. I know they are going to make great parents.
Lisa and I have been friends since the 11th grade. That was a long time ago. She is the friend that if I go a little to long without talking to her (which I am sometimes bad about) once we are talking its like we just talked yesterday. Over the last 12 years or so we have seen each other thru some times, some good, some bad and well ALOT of weird and odd times. I love her and I am glad that I got to meet little Claire today, its one more thing we will share together. I do feel a little guilty while at the hospital I did talk an awful lot about my little girl. After I left I was like I talked alot about me and it really should have been all about her and her little girl.
Okay well on another note.. we are going to try Dance Class AGAIN tomorrow. So be looking for an update on that either tomorrow or Friday. Today however let me show you CarLee's new favorite shoes. (someone gave these to us and we have 2 pairs in 2 different sizes)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Value vs Cherish
I have some friends like that. All I have to say is I need you and there they are. We make plans most of the time checking our calendars.... But when it comes down to it.. When I say "HEY" they say "Where". There have been times when they knew I need them before I knew I needed them.
So if you have some friends like that out there, hold on to them. Plain and Simple Cherish them.
I might have some more later, but wanted to get that quote out there.
Monday, July 6, 2009
sorry no pictures today.
To top thing off, Lee was watching the news and decided that he could help me by telling me to apply for a job he saw on the news. He was thinking was the news said starting pay would be $40,000 to $60,000. Therefore if I made $60,000 he could quit work and stay home. So he helped me fill in an online resume. I guess it does not matter, that I asked to be the stay at home person first. Hey at least he did the laundry tonight. He is way to good to me.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Independce Day.

Oh, I do have one little complaint... I made this really cute hat (I thought it was cute) and could not get CarLee to wear it. Little Miss Independent.

Oh and my better half was hangin at the race with his buddy Jerry. It was an awesome race, and they stayed right up until the bitter end which I have to say was the FREAKIN best part of the whole race! Gotta Love me some Tony Stewart!