Monday, May 24, 2010
funny and something i want to remember.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
more pictures from the weekend
This is the Big Black Chicken Lee had to find to show us.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Blueberry Festival and then some.
The fried oreos.
Okay they were so good. I could only eat 1 and 1/2 but oh, my.
okay so Lee wanted a family day. Me, him and CarLee. He wanted to go see this truck so I could take a picture of it. It was a truck on a lift that had been forgotten about. I was like okay. I then got online to see if something was going on around it, on the way to it, past it. The was the Bostwick Blueberry Festival. I had no clue there was even a town called Bostwick. There is and it has an annual blueberry festival. It was nothing huge, had some nice vendors, and good food. CarLee also liked the live music. We had a good time there. We did this before going to find this truck and something about a huge black chicken. Lee really wanted to see this truck and then he started talking about a huge black chicken. more on that later.
Friday, May 21, 2010
what I have been doing.....
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
un planned time off
Today it was up to finish making a photo book for a client.(I hope he likes it.) then to the gym. Then home and I did some laundry and some dishes.. thats really about all. I had alot of goals
that I wanted to complete while I was off. I am just not having any luck coming up with motivation to do anything. Maybe tomorrow.
However, me and the girl kid did go get ice cream after school. That was nice.