Thursday, February 25, 2010

31 @ 31

Okay this is my with my eyes closed, but its a picture of me @31.....

Okay I so ripped this off of someone else’s blog. had a list her 25 @ 25. I read it and thought wow I should do that. (Look back at previous post titled today posted on February 23, 2010.) So I have created my 31@ 31 list. I am going to record this in my Project Life album by Becky Higgins.

These are things I know that I can do if I just do them. So I am back dating the start of this to my birthday February 22, 2010 and I have until February 22, 2011 to complete the list. The goal is not to wait till February 1st, 2011 to start. I also feel like maybe this will also help me feel like I have done something, accomplished something, set goals and kept them. Someone told me it kind of sounded like a bucket list. Well maybe. I am sure that as with everything in my life this will probably stress me out a little but only time will tell.

So drum roll please............

1.) Listen to my all time favorite up beat song at the same time everyday for 14 days in a row. Right down how I felt before I listened to it and how I felt after I listened to it.
2.) Attend a Weekend Scrap booking Crop
3.) Loose at least 30 pounds (I have lapband, this should be easy)
4.) Ask someone different to take my picture (maybe with a different look)
5.) Make a small thank you basket for someone important to me
6.) Take a Jessica Sprague photo editing class @
7.) Average one blog post a week (for a total of 52)
8.) Write 31 letters to 31 different people telling them how they touched my life
9.) Go on a DATE with Lee and play miniature golf
10.)Go out with my Baby Sister at least once
11.)Read proverbs in the Bible and try to understand it
12.)Take a day trip with Nikki just us. (me and her)
13.)Make something I really like and that I would use myself and give it to someone I am not too fond of.
14.)Try something different or new
15.)Paint one wall in my living room with color (thinking barn red)
16.)Go to Disney (or a Disney park)
17.)Ask someone different if I can take their picture
18.)Bake a batch of homemade – made from scratch cookies – not out of a box
19.)Have a swap party
20.)Go threw shot glasses – take pictures of them – get rid of some – make mini book about them (maybe 6x6)
21.)Learn to stamp staze on onto pictures
22.)Cook an appetizer (a sort of kind of fancy one)
23.)Learn to sew (even if its only a pillowcase)
24.)Go thru and organize important papers
25.)Find a new job (my current one is ending)
26.)Do a Snow White photo shoot with CarLee
27.)Finale organize and decorate scrap room (currently being called crap room)
28.)Make pallet bed for living room
29.) Ask my dad for my Grandma’s rocking chair
30.)Read the 1st two books in the Twilight series
31.)Finish interviewing my Nanny

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So What Room holds the most Memories?

I am going to be posting random things from time to time.. I guess this is one of them. I found some writing prompts and some of them really appealed to me.

I think the kitchen or at least my kitchen holds the most memories. In my life the kitchen/dinning areas are where a lot of memories are made. Food is prepared there, and plans are made. I look back to when I was little and everyone could fit into my Nanny’s kitchen. We have a pretty big family too. Plus news both good and bad seems to be given to me when I am in the kitchen.

I know that is probably not the cast but to me it seems to be the case. I currently do not have my dream kitchen. One day I will have my dream kitchen, so everyone could gather there. My mother-n-law and aunt have 2 of my favorite kitchens. They are both a good size (the kitchens not my mother n law or my aunt) and they both of center islands with sitting areas. There is room to gather and still room to do kitchen work. A lot of talking takes place in the kitchen. So I think it’s a room that holds a lot of memories.

1.) While I was cooking dinner one night in the first kitchen of the first place me and Lee lived in together, he decided to bother, pester, and aggravate me. I told him that if he did not leave me alone I would break an egg on his head. He kept on and well I cracked on egg on his head.

2.) In the second kitchen of the second place we lived in together (which was right next door to the 1st place we ever lived in) I got news that my baby cousin Allen and his girlfriend were going to have a baby before me. I sat down and cried like a baby in the middle of the kitchen floor. It was also in this kitchen 6 months later that Lee saw the cheapest set of pregnancy tests (bought 2 for $5.99 @ Publix) I had bought after we decided to get pregnant. He looked at the box then looked at me and said, “Go take it, go take both of them.” Both tests were positive.

3.) In the kitchen I have now memories happen all the time. My 3 year old ice skates on the floor, helps me bake and points at stuff that she wants and tells me its her favorite. This is also where we fight about what she will eat for breakfast, dinner and fight about her taking her medicine. It was also this kitchen I got the new that my cousin Scooter had passes away in a car accident at the age of 18. It was horrible news and I admit I lost it. But both my mom and dad were there with me. It was the first time in years (like 13 years) they had been in the same room together.

So in my life the kitchen is a room that holds tons of memories for me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


(okay so does not go with post, but had to put a picture of her out her anyways)


Okay I have so many ideas and things I want to do. A home décor project, learning to sew, editing a wedding from Valentine’s day, painting my living room white, so its better for picture taking (home décor project goes in living room), to finally decorate my door that I got for Mother’s Day last year (this also goes with the home décor project) and so much more. I just do not seem to be able to get any of it done. I need to get motivated and stay motivated. I keep saying I will do it tomorrow and for me that tomorrow never comes. My head fills with ideas and to do lists and just as quickly they all fly right out the door (or actually I guess my ear?).

I am feeling slightly in limbo right now. I am waiting on things to happen and waiting to see what happens. I guess I need to quit waiting on life to happen and start making things happen for myself. Do I have the ability to do this? I kind of just let things happen for me. I am not sure if I am a go getter. I want to be and I think I need to be and yet I find myself not doing, just wanting to do. How in the world can I change this about myself? I keep saying I am going to organize my scrap room (which is being called the crap room right now) and I get some done then it gets all messed up again. I need to seriously fix that. So right now maybe I need to make a list, but will I keep it? Follow thru with it? Stay on top of it? Complete any of it? How do I go about making such a list? See I think I am having some issues with lots of stuff.

Okay so anyone got any helpful ideas to turn me into a super organized, super energized person? Let me know.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It’s time for change. I posted that on my facebook page this morning. I had no clue how true that would be by the end of the day. I got what they are calling “SOFT” notice from my job.

So it seems its time for change. I have had so much going on since January and it seems like more is on its way. Did I mention that I am not BIG on change; in fact I am pretty much happy with the same old same old. But since the beginning of the year I have been on a roller coaster of change.

My dad was in the hospital, had major surgery, then to rehab (for strengthening) now he is with me. I mean he is sleeping on the couch at my house. WOW. CarLee has been sick lastly with a case of pneumonia, but its getting better. Then today… I got my soft notice. Yippee

So It appears change is coming my way, rather I want it to or not. So I am trying to remember:

God has a plan GREATER than Mine.

So I am holding on to my faith, and that God has a plan and that it is so much greater than the one I have. Faith that God is walking with me.

So the picture does not go with the post.. but she is too stinking cute!